Considering To Install Video Surveillance Systems? 4 Reasons To Go Wireless


Surveillance cameras are vital in meeting your security needs, and wireless cameras, in particular, can be greatly beneficial to your home or business. While, previously, installing security cameras was a good option, it has become a necessity in recent years to reduce crime and as a resource for presenting evidence, reviewing employee and customer behavior, etc. Additionally, security video surveillance systems help to promote peace of mind. Here are four reasons why you should consider wireless security cameras:

31 May 2022

Why Upgrading Your Commercial Security System to a Card Access System May Benefit Your Business


If you use a security system to track and control entry into your facility, finding the best way to control who has that access is critical. There are many different systems available to integrate with your existing entry control, but adding a card access control system can increase the system's flexibility and allow you more control.  Access Control Any facility that is closed to the public, whether it is research, manufacturing, data systems, or other uses, requires access control to ensure only the people supposed to be in the building gain access.

4 March 2022

4 Reasons You Need To Install Security Cameras At Home


You are probably accustomed to seeing or having security cameras in commercial settings. However, with advancements in technology, security cameras have become more affordable and applicable in different settings. As a result, more homeowners consider security cameras in their residential properties to enhance safety and security. So are home security cameras worth your money and effort? Take a look at some of the compelling reasons you should invest in security cameras.

19 November 2021

3 Benefits Of A Key Fob Security System


Are you considering adding a more advanced security system to your business? While there are many options that you can use to give people access to your building, a key fob security system can provide you with many benefits that you may not have thought of. Here are some of those reasons why it's worth making the upgrade.  You Will Know Who Enters Your Building Since every single key fob is given a unique ID, you can use this to tell who is entering your building at any given time.

19 July 2021

Some Things You Want To Realize About Surveillance Systems And Your Storefront


Video surveillance is important for a store, as well as any other type of business. If you haven't yet had a surveillance system installed yet, you should learn more about the ways the cameras can help your business, as well as those who visit it, by paying attention to the following. Cameras can help create an all-around safer space Cameras can cut down on crime, some of which may cause employees or customers to be put in harm's way.

24 March 2021

When Should You Change the Locks?


As a homeowner, you may wonder when it is time to rekey your locks. After all, you spend time and money to maintain other parts of your home. When should you change the locks? Should you make it part of the routine? This is what you need to know about changing your locks and the right times to do it. 1. Change Your Locks When You Move In When you buy a new home, you should take the initiative to change the locks right away.

28 August 2020

Children Home Alone After School? A Home Security System Can Help


As children grow older, they can be given more responsibilities. One thing that many parents wrestle with is when their children become too old for after school babysitters or daycare yet are not quite mature enough to be left completely unsupervised. Many parents today were called latchkey kids when they were this same tender age. Today, parents who grew up as latchkey kids tend to want to provide more protection and security for their own latchkey children, which is possible through today's technological advances in home security.

30 November 2019